Friday 28 January 2011

Praise be and bless you whoever you are

I have my flat....hurrah!
I've spent this last week in almost nun like silence reading books, sleeping by 9am because of the lack of internet access.
I can use it in work, but I've been busy doing experiments with the super enthusiastic minion and million of cells to be used so I haven't had much chance there either (still waiting for contracts etc...but should be progress soon on that front).
Turned on the laptop for some noise whilst I eat dinner and try and drown out the slightly noisy hoodies roaming the park outside the flat and clicked the internet button as a habbit. Low and behold some kind person near me has signed up to some programme that loans out some of their wireless internet for others to access. So for a fee of a few pounds I"ve got a pile of hours to use on the internet.
The last week has been a blur of work- I was far busier than I thought, with meetings and experiments and everything. They all seem like a really nice bunch of people and I've seem to have settled back in the UK life of set tea and coffee breaks and cakes for birthdays ( I did my duty today). I've worked out the short cut through the hospital to the lab, watched the air ambulance from the coffee room window whilst eating my sandwiches and enjoyed the general banter and gentle leg pulling that you don't really get in Japan.
Home has been somewhat quiet, with only the itunes for company and unpacking boxes that arrived (impressively quickly) and reading books. I've made it through the entire Millenium Triology (the Swedish one "girl with the dragon tattoo" etc) this week, which I've enjoyed a lot it must be said.
But I am relieved to be able to get some internet access here now- I've been feeling cut off somewhat. But here I am, but I really should go eat my dinner before it gets cold. So catch up soon


Oyome-san said...

Welcome back!
So strange to think of you IN England! Hoodies??? Don't get those in Sapporo...and the main question is: DO Brits leave work earlier than in Japan? By 6 pm the lab is empty I am guessing...

Heather said...

Indeed, the lab was pretty empty yesterday, but there are some people working pretty late- they are nearly finishing their phD though so they're in panic mode.But by 5.30 most people are heading out the door.
Its still strange for me to think about myself IN England.
It is good to be back connected!

umebossy said...

I can't believe that you're already in your new flat and started in your job! Have you had a chance to pop home and see your family?

Hope all goes smoothly this week and that you're not having too much trouble trying to work out what they're all saying ;)