Sunday 19 June 2011

Learning the language of *%@#**

Oh hell, I know I've not been very good at blogging. Its been hard to find the energy and something to write about too. Truth be told I've not been very good at getting anything going recently. I think I've been caught up in getting used to my new job and learning the ropes of all this new job entails, as well as catching up on friends, family and carrot cake.
Part of this is learning the business side of research and the language that apparently goes with it. And boy has it been frustrating at times.
The research side I love and really enjoy, already I've learnt some new things and I think I've nearly got the whole working with other people down pat (I'm almost surprised how easy that's been), but my funding is part university, part company and part government and this means I have to attend courses and fill out many forms along. Things like personal development plans, forcefield analysis, executive reports- things that take me far from my comfort zone. I'm happy in my world of PCR, western blots, shRNA, siRNA and transfections etc. (I'd explain, but that would take hours- so try the font of all knowledge known as wikipedia for an overview of those terms should you wish to know more;or bore yourself to death)
Now I have to take on a whole new world of language, and I've found it kinda frustrating because so much of it seems like rubbish. So much of it seems like stupid terms which hide what are in fact simple things; executive summary? Actually just a summary of work:forcefield analysis- nothing to do with Star trek, is just a list of people or things that influence the progress of a project. I think its this whole perverting simple ideas by wrapping it in crap terminology that has me bugged.
Unfortunately, I've got to embrace this language to complete this project; I'm off to a course in a couple of weeks which will will involve all of this so I'd best start embracing this sooner rather than later. The only consolation is that this course will be in a luxury country house hotel with pool and spa.