Monday 10 January 2011

my life in boxes

I'm at home this morning waiting for the post to come take away the first lot of boxes for shipping back to the UK. Inside this pile are the majority of knick knacks from the years here- random hello kitty keyrings from Nagasaki, Tokyo, Nara; Ainu mouth harps, Photo's from New Zealand, post cards from Taiwan and Thailand, nearly 4 years of memories in boxes.
My apartment is suddenly looking more spacious after the piano and other furniture was moved off to their new owners- in the middle of a snowstorm for that extra challenge.
Tonight is my leaving party from the lab so I guess I should go practice my leaving speech...


Gaijin Wife said...

Hope the speech went well and that you had a fabulous party. So soon. Good luck with the last few days.

SomedaysSarah said...

Yay for chatchkis with memories! I always feel silly when I realize how many boxes of "stuff" like that I have... but I can never get rid of it, you never know when you'll have a life-threatening need for multiple keyrings, right?!

Good luck with the last of the packing.

Heather said...

Awww thanks you guys....I sobbed through about half of not too bad I suppose as leaving speeches go, I got pile of lovely presents just before hand and about 3 hours of sleep every night for the past 5 days which is making me an emotional wreck.
I have a ever widening collection of keyrings, its quite scary how many I have, more the number of keys I'm sure! but they're light and cute and funny.
Uber formal leaving do is this saturday...and hopefully some time for my last post in Japan.

Unknown said...

Oh... I just found this blog, and you're leaving. That's a shame... but at least I get to read your old posts.

Good luck with your move back.