Monday 27 December 2010


Its the last day in work this year...we've got pizza on order for lunch and there are clothes hanging drying around the lab- hanging off the ice machine, draped over benches.
Yesterday I spent a happy hour clearing out my freezer space, removed the ice that had filled the box 1/3; boxed and bagged nearly 4 years of experiments and samples, threw out many litte tubes of PCR reactions, cloning steps which are no longer needed. I'll have to downsize again in the new year for leaving, but for now I can enjoy space and organisation that has been lacking for nearly a year.
Now the desk... I've started packing the desk, and also de-cluttering, its either that or up-dating my lab book and tidying is so much more satisfying.
My own apartment is currently resembling one of those overstuffed houses that you see around in Japan. The last few days that rubbish can be collected this year so I have bags of burnable trash, plastic trash etc already to go out on their designated day to avoid The Sticker of Shame on them. I should be able to pack a couple of boxes tonight, my cupboard is nearly sorted. Of course all I want is to bum around my apartment and catch up on the movies I've missed this year or sleep endless hours...
I suppose at least this way I can garantee the Japanese new year gods will visit my little apartment and send me off in style in the New Year.

Have a Happy New Year


Oyome-san said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oyome-san said...

that post was removed by me cos I inadvertently typed in one of many passwords...while trying to leave a comment!


The Law of Apartment Cleaning states:
An apartment shall not be said to be "cleaned" until the occupant can actually see great empty space than filled space, otherwise sub-clause II/xi will apply and hence the said property will still be said to be in a state approaching the laws of chaos.

Heather said...

It soo true, despite my kind of best efforts its not really tidy still, but I've reached the don't care stage...for now

SomedaysSarah said...

My mum always said that a room had to get worse (ie total chaos) before it could get better (ie clean). Wonder why my room tended to be the latter for much of my life?! Just call it a 'work in progress' and enjoy your New Years!

umebossy said...

Happy New Year! Have you educated the Hokkaido masses about first footing? Good luck getting your sorting/cleaning/packing done over the next few days!