Thursday 11 November 2010

How to survive a skype interview..part one?

Last night I had my second skype interview in my life (my first one, was for the position here), the first time using a webcam. Its a weird experience, seeing yourself, seeing them. I notice I screw my face up a lot and move side to side when I'm thinking, slightly like a lunatic. Still all in all it didn't go too badly.
Despite all of my stressing in the last couple of weeks, it was nice. We had a good talk- he explained the project in more detail, that I would get my own technician (my own minion! as all evil scientists should have). He asked a lot about my PhD, which was weird and tricky, as that is very much a distant dream of the past and I pulled my weird face whilst thinking back to what I actually did and what got published from that work.
Thankfully no decision needs to be made straight away- there will be a second interview if I choose to continue, this time with other people there too, but for now a breathing period; a chance to digest the information and weigh up the options.
I had the interview after running around like a demented person at my tennis lesson- which was probably a great way of not getting too nervous. There was no time to think about that, no time to breathe either. Despite the fact this should be same level as my usual Saturday class, this alternative lesson Thursday feels like a level higher. It was a non-stop work out of high powered shots, smashes and serves yesterday- my right arm is aching from the extra work today.
I went from there, straight back home to change to a smarter top, put on some make-up to try and disguise the dark circles under my eyes, clear the area around the camera field and arrange the lighting so I didn't look too much like one of the un-dead. Now if I can just get my screwy face and swaying under control I might just be able to try this whole skype interview thing again.


SomedaysSarah said...

Ugh! I think a skype interview (and being able to see myself) would make me even MORE nervous than a regular interview... ugh ugh ugh!

Otsukare sama!

Oyome-san said...

I agree!
My worst ever interview was TO a camera held by a minion of the company.
The interview was for Sapporo school, but they had a minion sit opposite me in a hotel meeting room in Tokyo - she had a video camera on her shoulder (this was a few years back) and then she asked me set questions and I had to ignore her and talk INTO the the boss in Sapporo could see me!

and somehow I got the job!

So maybe the head tilting and squinting is ok - of maybe you've been in japan too long - were you sucking air thru your teeth at the same time????!!

and my security word is SQUENT!!!!!!!