Sunday 28 November 2010

How to survive a SKYPE interview: part 2, Revenge of the Powerpoint

Round 2 with the guys from Newcastle took place on Friday last week, hence the reason the trip to Taipei hasn't been properly written up.
Having agreed to go for the next round of interviews, I was hit with a barrage of emails asking for presentations, hoop-jumping forms about disability disclosures, proof that I don't need a visa to work in the UK etc. etc.
The up to 20 min presentation on why my background was suitable for the position had me most worried. Fortunately I cheated a bit, having already prepared a talk for this weeks conference down in Wakayama so with a few extra slides from other projects and previous papers and a sprinkling of photos of me in Japan with the lab, I emailed it off, in time for my interview at 9pm on Friday.
Friday morning brought news of the snow in Newcastle, with planes sliding off runways and I had visions of them not being able to make it into department to host the interview, afterall the Brits (well English) never seem to cope with a light smattering of the white stuff, let alone the inches that have already fallen, but no, they all managed so there was no escape.
Once again I opted for the home for setting up the interview, so they got a charming veiw of my curtains and I got to sit on my zabuton and try to look and sound professional. I went for smart shirt and cardigan and tried to conceal the dark shadows under my eyes. I think I kept the swaying under control this time. There was a panel of 3 people, though I could only see one at a time and thankfully (so very thankful) I couldn't see the giant projection screen of me that they were looking at.
The presentation went pretty ok, except for the slight stress that my laptop decided it didn't like all the images and froze up. Non-existing scouts training had kicked in and I was prepared with a back-up paper copy of my slides...always be prepared!
I had a couple of brain-freeze questions, that threw me, but they were genuing quite tricky. After an hour we wrapped it up and I signed off, swore loudly (after checking the call had finished ;)) and got into PJs and stuck the heating on and tried to forget about checking my email every 10mins to see if they'd made a decision yet.


Oyome-san said...


Heather said...

That will be coming in another post...but you know the outcome already!