Monday 24 August 2009

Rabbit in the headlights

Bugger, bugger, bugger....

Why am I getting so stressed about tomorrow??
Tomorrow is the practice run through of the talk and the poster for my conference.
Perhaps its because I haven't done my poster, maybe thats because when I look at what I've got I can see the holes in the data and experiments that should have been done. I'm sitting at my desk but not actually working, I'm not setting up experiments that might just plug some of these holes. I feel like a rabbit in the headlights. And at the same time some part of my brain is telling me to not stress too much, its only a run through and I'll be making changes and its ONLY a poster. I"ve got a civil war going on in my mind at the moment.

Right thats off my chest, I'm going to set up a rt-PCR and then go for a swim, maybe that will do the trick.

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