I think Friday should be declared a permanent national holiday. I'm sure large parts of the world will join me in wanting this too.
I actually managed to do some work this week. I think the fact that I've got 3 weeks left till I'm at my conference has been a great incentive for work. That and the practice run through, poster check that will happen next wednesday.
My mini boss returned from his conference in the states in one piece, despite having to run the gauntlet of bears between his cabin and the conference site! It certainly makes for a more interesting conference, maybe they can throw those who over run on their presentations out for some bear mauling. Since I'll be in Budapest, I think the chances of me meeting a bear will be much lower- I'll just have to run the gauntlet of not being able to speak any hungarian.
I got some random (read: ARggggghhh why is it like that??!) results and so I've spent this week trying to repeat and see if it was real (which means much more complications if it is). I loathe real-time PCR at the best of times, but today I nearly had a hissy fit at the damed machine.
The real-time PCR machine is several floors below me in the main lab and so I trotted off with my USB drive to pick up my results from the overnight run, thought it all transferred so closed down the ancient laptop. Back up at my desk I discover that the file of results is blank, despite being able to see them on the laptop previously. This is the second time its done this trick, the last time it took 3 goes up and down and then eventually I gave up and had to copy the data by hand off the laptop (which with 60+ samples is not fun). Apparently it objected to my file name this time so fortunately I was able to pull the data from it second time around.
The results aren't ideal still so I guess this means a morning in the lab tomorrow to run some more experiments and pin it down..... SIGH!
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