Sunday 31 July 2011

Tour guide duty....British style

Well...hello blog, been a while again hasn't it. Not really my fault- work and life got in the way.
I came back off my management course full of confidence and ideas- which I got into practice at a meeting down in head office of the company who's part funding my project.
It was my first time there so I was a little nervous about what to expect. You know how you get these ideas of how places and people should be? that was me- I had visions of suits and suits with shiny white coats, glass windows, uber security, golf carts (like all the movies show) and well.... I got security, which was not unexpected, a few suits and mostly jeans and casual and lots of jogging people and an atmosphere like most university campuses.
Anyway the meeting went fine- it was a little weird at first not really knowing what everyone else knew, but apparently everyone seemed happy so I guess- yay for me!
From there I went off down to Wiltshire for a camping/christening weekend with my friends from uni. It was a lovely break, even if the weather was pretty terrible- heavy rain, then heavy rain and gusty winds. I think if it hadn't of stopped for a few hours each day it would
have been a pretty miserable trip.
With all this travelling on trains I wish the companies would give out train miles or loyality cards- I'd been in first class all the time with all the travelling I've done recently.
I had last weekend off to recover and this weekend by brother and family are up. Next week however, I'm on tour guide duty.
Two of my Japanese friends will be arriving for a mad dash around the UK for 5 days (as you do). We went on a 2 day bus tour of Rishiri and Rebun islands together 2 years ago- that was a strange Japanese experience.
Everyone one else (who were significantly older too) got up at ridiculously early hours in the morning and stomped around the ryokans we stayed in and then we had to practically run around all the stops we had on the tour to keep up with the rest of the group as they zoomed around the various sights of the islands. This time we're travelling by trains, planes and automobiles as opposed to trains, buses and ferries. It should be good fun, we're heading up north to my parents house for a couple of nights-a cultural exchange. Hopefully my Mum will not fully implode with stress before they arrive (and that my Dad and sister remain sane in the face of my mother in full on Visitor mode).

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