Well everyone else is doing it....
1. What is your middle name?
Ann- with no "e", I like that is makes my initials HAL- like the 2001 Space Odyssey robot
2.What is your favourite magazine?
Glamour when I can get it, Empire or Total film, or any other trashy mags. I do also read Nature, but I don't think that should be counted as a magazine
3. What are you wearing right now?
Old jogging pants, 3/4 length sleave t-shirt with a fluorescent pink bear eating a geeky bearded man (hey- its a uniqlo t-shirt, do I need to explain more?). I'm may have to do battle with my leaky washing machine shortly so I"m opting for safety clothes.
4. What colour are your bed sheets?
Currently black base, cream duvet and pillow, shortly to be purple and grey moose patterned duvet and pillow and cream base. I"ve been waiting to put these new ones on all summer.
5.Who was your 3rd grade teacher?
3rd grade? No idea, I can't remember at all- maybe I had more than one. I loved that Primary school though.
6.What's the weather like right now?
Stormy skies- gusty wind, grey threatening rain and about 16C, so a wee bit chilly
7. Do you know how to ski?
I'm learning- every winter here, with the help of my fabulous friends Oyomesan and her ski-instructor boyfriend ;).
8. What was the last thing you drank?
Drinking a mug of tea (with milk naturally). Alcohol wise- Champagne earlier in the week.
9. Dream Vacation?
Riding horses across the Mongolian Stepps is high on my list at the moment.
10. Favourite article of Clothing?
Anything blue or my pink "this is your brain on joy" t-shirt
11. Do you prefer baking or cooking?
I love both- but baking I do for fun and friends.
12. Is your hair above or below your shoulders?
On or just below- I"m growing it long again after my first short hair cut in 15 years.
13. What drink do you order when out?
Out with the lab- Umeshu (ice in summer, hot water in winter) after the kampai beer.
Out with friends- cocktails, or ice-tea, Cola if need to be awake later.
14. What book are you reading?
Just finished book 4 of the 12 Kingdoms (yes, I do like to read childrens books- I am a geek). Probably some Georgette Heyer tonight- I do like my witty historical romances.
15. What did you dream about last night?
Nothing I remember
16. What was the last movie you went too?
I think it was "The Sorcerers Apprentice" way back in August- I need another cinema trip soon.
17. Any injuries at the moment?
Nope, still in one piece.
18. What colour is your bathroom?
White vanity unit, beige loo and bathroom, grey/blue fake wood lilo, Off white walls. And a non-leaking washing machine- finally!
19. What is the state of your laundry just now?
One load is on, at least one more to do- It piled up this week, I was too scared to try washing in case the thing leaked again.
20. Do you take vitamins?
21. Where do you love to shop?
Monsoon- back in the UK. Here I love Loft and the shops in Sapporo station. Clothes- I actually bought some clothes in Japan that fit me! A wonderful little ethnic/unusual style shop in the underground shopping street.
22. How often do you buy groceries?
I try a big shop every 2 weeks, then little things on the way home during that time.
23. Do you have a pet/pets?
Not here- I'd like to think that my Dad's guidedog is a pet when I"m back home. I had goldfish before I came to Japan- Bob and my first pet was January the goldfish- who lived for many years.
24. If you're married when is your anniversary?
Not married- but if anyone knows of a Japanese guy who wants a foreign geeky scientist wife- I'm available ;), especially if it means I can stay here.
25. How often do you take tea or coffee?
Usually, coffee in the morning at work, tea in the afternoon- with a sprinkling of starbucks and Sunday morning coffee's.
26. Mac or PC? Desktop or laptop?
PC desktop in work, Macbook at home. I"m on the look out for a netbook at the moment too.
27. Favourite month of the year?
January or February- Mid winter, lots of snow, bright blue skies and snow festivals. Or October when the leaves are peaking in the colour here. I love cold frosty mornings with blue skies when you can see your breath.
28. Do you have a hobby?
Music- I've got a piano here and my clarinet and the karaoke is less than 5 mins away (I actually have point cards for most places in Sapporo). I"m also starting to really like photography. Hiking when the mood takes me.
29. What salad dressing do you prefer?
Goma is sinfully good. Otherwise I like the honey and mustard dressing that I make with avocado salad (preens).
30. Live or Fake Christmas tree?
Real- I love that piney smell.The fake one I have here is pretty nice though.
31. Did you walk or take the bus to School?
Primary and Middle school- I walked
High school- I walked a mile or so to the bus stop and then a 12 mile bus journey to school.
32. Any Phobias?
Spiders, man made heights- suspension bridges etc. nail files, broken finger nails, the sound of knives being sharpened.
33. What's your favourite snack food?
too much to choose one- I'm munching my stock of salty licorice at the moment.
34.When do you take your shower/bath?
Usually at night- more time for lying in bed that way.
35. What time did you get up this morning?
10.30!!! so, so happy. Its been so long
36. Whats your favourite animal?
dogs, wolves, bears and penguins in no particular order
37. Have you ever broken a bone?
Touch wood- no
38. Do you wear makeup?
Only for special occasions or when the bags get too big under the eye.
39. Do you speak any foreign languages?
Poor Japanese and rapidly worsening English, I can remember random phrases in quite a few languages- I can say I love my car in Hungarian.
40. Have you ever played a sport?
I take tennis lessons once a week, and I like swimming. I loved rounders when I was at school, but I was never in any sports teams. My PE report was tries hard but rarely succeeds....
41.Your last UPS package contained?
Two amazon books- a guidebook for Taiwan and the next 12 Kingdoms book.
42. What's on your desktop?
A photo looking out over the blue blue sea of thailand from a restaurant where we had lunch on my holiday in March.
43. What's your homepage?
The apple webpage here, google in work
44. Introvert or Extrovert?
Introvert- definitely introvert
45. Favourite board game?
Pictionary, cranium, trivial pursuit and cluedo
46. What class did you like best in High school? College?
In high school- music and biology
University- Anatomy and the cell biology ones
47. What would you do with an extra hour each day?sleep
48. Do you have allergies?
I'm allergic to penicillin, and vaccines
49. Are your nails painted?
Nope, I'm usually never bothered to do it.
50. Where are you right now?
Sitting on my couch with Dollhouse on the DVD. I need lunch.