Monday 28 June 2010

This is why the Yukata's don't fit...

Just when I thought it was safe to go to my postbox in work....

Everytime I'm free of these biscuity presents for doing some teeny tiny favour another bag arrives- I feel like Hansel being fattened up by the witch to be eaten. Last time it was getting a DVD back after one of the lovely secretaries lent me a DVD less than a week ago. This time it was for giving the photos I took of our department baseball team losing badly (once again). I might add she'd emailed me and asked my for them so it was hardly an unexpected favour, still more delicious biscuits appeared in my pigeon hole yesterday. One wonders what I would get for saving someone from a speeding truck? And I can't not eat them- I try and share them around, but I still have to eat some, all the running, cycling and walking is not getting rid of the biscuit bulge though...

This is compounded by the joy of looking for a yukata that fits, I'd really like to wear one at some event in the summer as I've been having yukata envy ever since I set foot on these shores. I have a pretty nice cheapy one- I even figured out how to wear it properly (You tube videos are a godsend)....well as long as I don't move its fine. Then I saw this gorgeous obi belt in this shop in Sapporo- lilac and silver flowers and then silver check on the other side- classy, nice.
But the yukata is a no- go according to the girl in the shop- of course a waif all cool and elegant in her yukata. She was helpful and gave us some other shops that might sell larger sizes- however, Mrs. Snooty in the second pulled out a hideous purple creation (which of course doesn't fit) then said maybe the mens would be better- thanks for that lady..way to make me feel great.

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